As an added bonus, Peter von Gomm, X's X7 voice actor, voices White Bomberman in the same game. Zero making fun of Vanishing Gungaroo being childish in his boss intro becomes this in Super Bomberman R, where Jack Merluzzi, who played Zero in X7, voices the very similarly short, angry and childish Magnet Bomber, who throws a near-identical temper tantrum to Gungaroo after he's referred to as "little" and "just a kid" by the heroes when they bypass his robot army and traps.(Bonus points for teaming up with Model A, a character ostensibly based on Axl himself.) For added humor, Peter von Gomm (X) is present as one the two protagonists ( Grey), initially trying to run away from a conflict he wants no part in but quickly deciding to buck up and fight the good fight-almost like a condensed (and less Wangsty) version of X's character arc here in X7. Several of the voice actors in the English dub of X7 would go on to voice characters in Mega Man ZX Advent, leading to humorous instances of role reversal such as Jack Merluzzi (Zero) playing Big Bad Master Albert while the character voiced by Walter Roberts (Sigma), Master Mikhail, turns out to be the only Reasonable Authority Figure out of the Sage Trinity and their Token Good Teammate by proxy.
#Shrouded in sanity pc mega plus#
Also, defense in general is busted, as any of the three characters will end up virtually indestructible to anything short of Red and Sigma if they have the Shock Absorber and Triple Barrier parts (Power 3 and Special 3 respectively) plus a pile of Life Ups, with X's only unique trait being that the Glide Body prevents him from getting knocked over as easily, in particular by Sigma 2's rocket punch.

The G-Launcher obtained from Gungaroo effectively is Axl's version of X's charged shots, and can provide comparable and sometimes superior results thanks to its faster rate of fire even when X has Quick Charge at his disposal, only held back by being more stiff to handle and getting blocked by some things that X's shots pass right through (such as the platforms in the Sigma 1 fight).

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